Top Bitcoin Mining Pools in 2023

A Bitcoin mining pool is a network of Bitcoin miners that combine their computational power to solve complex mathematical puzzles. By joining a Bitcoin mining pool, miners receive a share of the rewards in the form of newly-issued crypto coins. By pooling their resources, miners can collectively increase their mining profits, as rewards are more often split amongst the participants.

Top Bitcoin Mining Pools

As of 2023, the top Bitcoin mining pools are SlushPool, AntPool,, F2Pool, Bitfury, and Kano CKPool. SlushPool is the largest Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash mining pool in the world with over 1 million miners. AntPool is a mining pool operated by Bitmain, the world’s biggest cryptocurrency mining equipment manufacturer. is another leader in the world of cryptocurrency mining, with over 150,000 miners. F2Pool is a Chinese-based mining pool that supports various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Zcash. Bitfury is a private pool, dedicated to the mining of Bitcoin. Lastly, Kano CKPool is a solo mining pool that supports miners from around the world.

Factors of Top Bitcoin Mining Pools

The services offered by each Bitcoin mining pool tend to differ, and an important factor to consider when choosing a mining pool is the payout method. SlushPool pays miners using the Score-based method, AntPool pays miners using the PPS+ or PPLNS method, pays miners using the PPS+ method, F2Pool pays miners using the PPS+ or PPLNS method, Bitfury pays miners using the PPS+ method, and Kano CKPool pays miners using the PPS+ method. Apart from the payout methods, other factors such as fees, stability, interface, geographic coverage, and customer support should also be taken into consideration.

Distinguish a Superior Bitcoin Mining Pool

In order to distinguish a superior Bitcoin mining pool, it is essential to look at the share of the network’s hash rate and its efficiency. Over time, some of the mining pools have experienced large fluctuations in their hash rate, which can lead to instability. Additionally, higher fees can decrease a pool’s efficiency and limit the miner’s profits. Therefore, it is important to select a Bitcoin mining pool with a stable hash rate, low fees, and good efficiency.


The selection of the most suitable Bitcoin mining pool can be tricky. Therefore, miners should carefully consider their options by assessing various factors such as fees, stability, interface, geographic coverage, customer support, and effectiveness before selecting a mining pool. As of 2023, the top Bitcoin mining pools are SlushPool, AntPool,, F2Pool, Bitfury, and Kano CKPool.

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